Friday, November 25, 2011

agents of truth

Did some very light investigative research today.

This is what I found out.

The biotech corporation, Monsanto, the same makers of Agent Orange, also developed a bovine growth hormone for dairy cattle which was both harmful to the cattle and the consumers who drank the milk. It caused the cattle unnecessary suffering and pain. Trace amounts of the growth hormone could be found in the milk produced by the cattle and when consumed by humans made them resistant to antibiotics. As if the after effects of Agent Orange weren't long lasting and devastating enough, Monsanto also found a way to harm milk-drinkers.

A reporter tried running a story on this--one which would expose Monsanto once again for being careless, but Monsanto intervened, writing Fox News President, Roger Ailes, and telling him not to air the story because it might hurt profits for the company, to which, of course, Roger Ailes, being a total dickhead, agreed.

So, in short, Fox News, aside from being corrupt and irresponsible in its "journalistic" practices, also supports the makers of Agent Orange.

Go figure.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

They pulled off at an exit advertising a restaurant he'd never heard of--one with the logo of a smiling chicken. "This looks good," he said. He looked down at the cat who looked up at him. "Aww, she's a good Kee," he said and rubbed her head.

The restaurant doubled as a filling station. The white paint was chipping off in flakes along the sides, revealing an even duller white underneath where someone had painted the flimsy wooden boards before. He pulled up, shuffling gravel as he lurched to a halt. His car fit in as a natural part of the dilapidated Americana scene.

He got out with the cat tucked inside his jacket. "Now you behave, Kee," he said, and walked inside.

Friday, November 11, 2011

story about a guy who spends hours or a long amount of time doing something nice for someone then discovers that that person killed him or herself.