Sunday, July 11, 2010

passing flirtations with an electric soul

when it's you they want
it's a different story
all the confusion
and the illusion of glory

i want nothing more
in this little old life of mine
than to feel
absolutely relevant
more importantly, i'd like
and i want
and i desire
to fade into interstellar obscurity
blocked by the moon
as if it made a difference
that's what i want and
for gods sake
pleez pleez pleez
let me believe it's plausible

i lack the foresight to
prepare myself properly
for disappointment

just tell me i'm wrong
and i'll believe it for a while
because i want to
because i know
you've taught me before
just how exhilarating that can be

of course, we're merely replicating
what is natural and in agreement
with the natural order of things
things like routines, sound loops and
literary motifs/though not exclusively
bound to the world of literature
these constant feelings of deja vu
slash sensational familiarizations and
adapting to the larger structure
as we'd like it to be and how we'd like to
imagine it indicates only that we are
fooling ourselves and doing a piss-poor
job of it
i see a friend and first order of business:
start with the inside jokes
i hope he remembers cuz it's my
only means of reminding him of our past
and how i'd like our future to be and
carry on in the same tradition
and pleez: verse chorus verse chorus bridge
becuz it reminds me why i
get up in the first place/why i pantomime
the circles i see myself spinning
it's always the same and that's the way i like it
but you're a threat to the routine
the established order
skim the meniscus/the excess riff-raff
cuz i need that driving beat
polyrhythms when i'm feeling extra saucy
i need structure and order and
you provide with your four chord progressions
don't get all schizo on me
just keep it the same/ that's what i need
a mirror that reflects life like i want to see it:
perfectly in order
like a novel
arranged by chapters

there is no logic to the way this is being written
the only way to read it out loud is to read it the
way i intended it to be read and understood:
in my head and directly to yours
but that's impossible

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