Monday, August 2, 2010


i'm listening to the arcade fire's new album, the suburbs, right now. in less than a week, i will be in attendance at lollapalooza where i will wait for hours in the grueling sun amidst grubby yuppies posing as hippies and hipsters just to see a compromised set from the band. i will probably enjoy myself. still, in the back of my mind, i can't help but think: is anyone else tired of indie rock?

every week it seems like the internet is trying to push some new young hirsute band from canada onto me. sensitive bearded men in flannel and cute girls with tight pants and striking haircuts. the music is always bland. the lyrics, always the same--ten cent words and ten cent concepts masking a lack of depth.

i want something new. something ridiculous and abrasive. something my parents don't understand. something they might, gasp, find offensive. everything i hear fails to impress me (not that it's anyone's job to do so), but, damn, looking around--hollywood remakes, sequels, exhausted tropes, indie culture--it all seems kind of static.

maybe i should do something about it. but what?
where do we go from here?
i get the feeling something's on the horizon, something mind-blowing. for now, i guess, i'll just have to wait.

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