Friday, June 15, 2012

the dread subsides

There are two women talking over each other. One, the older one, dominates. Her voice cuts through stronger. The older one is talking about a commercial everyone has seen like no one has seen it. "Remember that commercial?" The younger woman pretends, for whatever reason, that she is only somewhat familiar with the commercial. "Oh, yeah!" The younger woman is being interviewed by the older woman for a job interview. She is sitting with her arms folded on the table. Back straight. Sitting up with good posture. The older woman is talking about anything and everything, treating the younger woman like an old friend. The younger woman plays along because she doesn't know if the casual nature of this conversation means she has the job or if the older woman is just the type of person who talks because she can't help herself.

I've never seen the younger woman outside of this one occasion, but I can tell she doesn't dress this nice all the time--that is: I can tell she dressed up extra special for this interview. The older woman is dressed nice, too--but it looks natural on her, like a second skin.

There is a book somewhere--several books--I'm certain--documenting not only appropriate interview behavior but the natural tendency in humans to defer when they want someone--an employer--to give them what they want--a job. The younger woman is a living, breathing real-life manifestation of the pages of this book. She agrees automatically with everything the older woman says:

"I know!"
"Oh, I'm the same way!"

It must feel good to always agree with someone--to do it automatically, without thinking--without the peskiness of trying to defend your threadbare ego all the time--when agreeing means a betrayal of something essential--a core belief or conviction--that you cling to because, in some way, it dictates who you are.

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