Tuesday, October 25, 2011

i think it's entirely possible that schizophrenics are geniuses who lack the ability to articulate their complex genius thoughts. in fact: i think this is the main difference between a schizophrenic and an intellectual. schizophrenics are able to see the world differently than most people. they have a unique worldview that would baffle most people. but they don't know how to express what they see and how they interpret the world. they are bombarded by their own interpretations of the sensory world--the messages they receive from the external world which are then converted into messy internal sensations.

i know that saying crazy people are brilliant and that there's a fine line between genius and insanity is nothing new but i think the proverbial thin line separating the two might be language: the ability to express one's self.

does that mean intelligence can be measured by how well we're able to articulate ourselves?

maybe--it seems to be the main thing separating us from animals. not that animals can't express themselves--they can. but they don't have a coded language like we do. i think it may be our ability to manipulate this coded language to get what we want or relate to others that marks our intelligence.

i'm sure this has been well-researched and documented. there ar probably too many scholarly articles written on the subject. but i thought i'd jot it down for my own self-important reasons.

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