Monday, March 8, 2010

douche ex-machine

i feel an urgent compulsion to get out there and "experience life." i know this feeling is predominantly fueled by desire to get laid/find a mate, but i feel like my current state of living is doing more harm than good.

i sleep all day, dread work, dread school. and daydream.

i spend too much time in my head. i need to talk to people. it was so much easier when i was younger.

what happened?

i guess, my biggest hang-up is that nothing interests me anymore. music, sort of--but not enough to go out and do anything about it. i like movies, but that's more of a solitary experience. the same goes for reading.

so, i don't know.

i guess it's time to suck it up, bite my tongue and get out there, as simultaneously appealing and unappealing as that sounds right now.

oh well.

perhaps i'll leave it all to fate. and when i've missed my train, oh well. oh well. oh well.

you can't force things to happen, but you also can't just sit back and expect good things to happen to you. so, in a nutshell, this is my dilemma.

i need a capraesque intervention.

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