Monday, October 25, 2010

more crap

i wish i knew what it was that kept me from expressing myself as fluently as i'd like to. my mind is filled--chock-full--of pretty images and words but i can't seem to find the right way to articulate it--to translate what i see. it could just be that i'm thinking too hard about--that i've dug myself into a hole (constantly fixated on writing the perfect song, the perfect lyric, etc.). i don't know.
every time i set pen to paper or start to type something out it comes out as scrambled and amateurish. perhaps i need to disrupt my routine--get out and walk; start talking to people; about things i have no interest in. maybe then i'll come back to whatever it is that allowed me to be creative in the first place. it seems like there always needs to be a contrast--a reaction to something. maybe that's what i need. less stimulation of the senses, trivial indulgences. more of the mundane.
lately, it's been hard to tell the difference.

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