Thursday, October 28, 2010

some ideas

came up with two story ideas today. may try to fuse them into one.

the first one is about a man who vaguely anticipates the arrival of a stranger. he doesn't know why, but he has a feeling--some kind of psychic hunch--that someone he's never seen or met before is going to arrive at his front doorstep--he even knows when it's going to happen--on what date and what time.

he waits in bed all morning (this is when he expects his visitor) while his wife is busy cleaning the house. the doorbell rings and he rushes down the stairs. there is a bearded man waiting outside (in the movie-version of this story i imagine this part being played by zach galifianakis). he opens the door and the two lock stares. the bearded man begins to cry. he lunges forward and hugs the man, whose wife is watching from some vantage point behind the door and is by now completely confounded at the whole spectacle.

the second story--i can't remember. i thought of it in the shower when i got home from work this morning. i think it involved a father and a son. my mind is foggy right now. i'm sure it will come to me later.

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