Thursday, August 27, 2009

bully in a china shop

first day of tuesday class. introductions today. learned that most people--even english majors--consider harry potter, chuck fuck and stephen king among the literary elite.

that's fine. whatever. different strokes for different folks, right?

i mean, not everyone is going to like the same things as you. but, seriously...

since when did skimming the very brim of the bestseller list qualify someone--

i don't even know what i'm trying to say, here.

i guess it saddens me to think that the people i have class with--the people who will most probably be teaching children one day--have no idea nor any desire to learn anything about their supposed area of expertise.

the education system has failed us.
the government has failed us.

i can't say with much certainty that it's a matter of intelligence--taste, that is. but i'd like to think so. i mean, what you like is entirely subjective. but what you profess to know...

it's remarkable how many aspiring scholars we've let slip through the cracks. we've basically given these people--people with no concept of what literature is and how to analyze it--the necessary certification--literally, a licence--to shape and mold our children's young impressionable minds.

maybe a more rigorous system is in order. who knows?

i'm ranting.

anyway, i spotted this bumper sticker on my way back from class:

annoy a liberal: work hard and be happy

there are so many things wrong with this that i can't begin to address them all here in the few minutes i have before i have to get off.

suffice it to say, this is how i interpreted the hauntingly orwellian slogan:

money is happiness. i'm perfectly content with slaving away my life for monetary gain. and anyone who tells you there's a better way to live is a moron.

more to the point:
ignorance is bliss

i'm not even a liberal and this pissed me off. of course, i'm not a conservative, either. but--fucking shit, man. this takes the cake for most shameless boasting of one's own ignorance.

i read an article a few years ago about americans, in particular, generally being more empowered by their own stupidity than any other culture. it's actually become fashionable, cool to remain uninformed about things. i think this sticker is probably the best real world example i've personally witnessed of this concept in action. for all intents and purposes, it could have read:

dumb...and proud of it.

oh well.

i don't care anymore.
i'm done venting.

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