Monday, August 24, 2009

just like the eighties!

this "indie" rock thing has gotten way out of hand. it used to be about independent thought and independent production. now it's become as rife with contradictions as its predecessor, "pop-punk."

the term itself no longer stands for what it used to. it's now a big, sleazy way for the industry to pander to the uninformed sensibilities of every hipster-kid i know. it's become a genre, for fuck's sake. a genre (!) where, once, it was an irreducible alternative. i guess every major movement in free thought, serious artistry in music (punk, alternative, indie) runs its cycle, becomes corrupted, a small smouldering flicker of what it once was--simplified to its lowest common denominator.

seriously, just because your favorite band gets high praise from that snob-factory known as pitchfork and just because they sound exactly like every other "next big thing" out there trying to sound like some generic synthesis of the cure's entire 80's catalogue, that doesn't mean they're great. the white lies, for fuck's sake? i'm seriously going to unleash all holy hell the next time i read about a band garnering praise for sounding like every other band on the market. honestly, how many times can people be presented with the same formula: four moderately attractive myspace hotties in a joy division-throwback outfit. how many times before someone takes notice?

i wonder if people don't find some kind of immediate comfort in repeating history. oh well. i'd provide evidence but i'm too heated to get into any sort of well-thought-out, level-headed indictment. so, whatever. i'm done fuming.

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