Tuesday, August 11, 2009

who's barry bostwick?

ars musica:

mangled voices from the ether
disembodied whispers
a burglar and his lute.

i've been thinking a lot lately, holed up in my room. i try to keep the light off as much as possible. when i think of it.

lately, i've been wanting to create something permanent--something which ultimately transcends the transitory. i'd like to capture, synthesize, translate all my impressions of the fleeting and invest it, cash in my tickets, in something definite--something i can come back to, like a photograph.

i had this realization after reading narcissus and goldmund. i like the idea that one can be destined to be a thinker or an artist or anything in between. which is exactly where i feel i am: in between. i don't know, if like goldmund, i think in abstractions or images, but i feel torn between both lives. i need an end result.

i've also been meaning to create a list of tenets--a list i can refer to when i need to be reminded of what i believe.

first on the list:

1.) no more dead-end pleasures--the kind that make you feel empty and defeated afterwards. i'd explain, but i think you know what i'm talking about.

anyway, that's all i feel like writing for now. i'll have more later, i'm sure of it.

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