Friday, August 21, 2009

la femme darger

"i have this recurring dream, see, where, you're still a boy--but you have a vagina."
"umm. o.k."
"i mean, it makes sense within the context of the dream."
"you mean, like, dream logic?"
"well, not in any sort of general sense of the term. but, yeah. it makes sense to me. my own individualized form of dream logic."
"well, what about you?"
"what do you mean?"
"what kind of genitalia do you have in this dream?"
"oh, i'm still a boy, too. except, i have a penis."
"it's not sexual, though. that is, i don't think it means that, on some deeper level, i want to fuck you or something. i mean, i'm not attracted to you."
"well, it's just that--in this dream, boys can have either sexual organs. girls, too. it doesn't matter. you can be a girl with a penis. or a boy with a vagina. and it's just as natural as, say, your eye color."
"interesting. i guess."

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