Saturday, April 24, 2010

seizure tv: the Ugly Spirit

his name had become synonymous
though never explicitly acknowledged
with the theory of dreams
the myth and the mighty
the familiar spirit entangling
earth's gravitational pull
he came from somewhere vague
and void of time
his pallid face
a white of a different kind
he crept into my room
every night to talk with me
and sat by my side and
in exchange for travels
i gave up dreams
to know just what my
fantasies could not confirm
there is no validation in his
studied speech
his out and out
bold-faced lies
he tells me angels never
think to react
that we are idiot children
orphaned by our misconceptions
and the vagaries we construct
all violent and vulgar
in their very nature
though we're quick to
turn our heads
this is all you see he says
and all you see is wrong
this is all you see he says
and what you see is wrong

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