Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Does anyone actually believe a tougher smoking ban is going to bring people back to Indianapolis or that it's going to somehow make Indianapolis a premiere travel destination? When have you ever booked a vacation somewhere solely because they didn't allow smoking in bars? Has anyone ever done that? No. It's culture that brings people to a city. Maybe Indianapolis should start by establishing some culture--something for people to do besides sit in bars and drink but not smoke.

Because of this one-time Super Bowl, we now have a bunch of expensive hotels that we neither need nor can we afford. Why are we remaking the entire city for a one-time thing? It's disingenuous and stupid. "I've been begging the cute boy at school to take me to prom for the past four years. He finally said 'yes'. But wait--I'm still ugly and my personality sucks. I know. I'll totally reinvent myself over night."

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